Are you feeling discomfort and stiffness in your head, neck and shoulders throughout the day? More and more individuals are experiencing feelings of stiff and achy joints. There are many things that can create stiffness in the body, lack of hydration, limited movement or even remaining in a certain position for a long period of time. Let's focus on that last one, remaining in a certain position for a long period of time. When our bodies are in a stationary position with little movement, they begin to adapt to that position, and quiet quickly.

For example, have you ever been binge watching your favorite series and when you go to get up you feel like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz, and your joints feel like they need a little oil? That's because your body had begun to believe that the position you were in was your "natural" position and begun to shape your body to conform to that shape.
Most of us find ourselves in one primary position during the day, sitting. Due to work, using our phones as well as any other tech devices. This can cause your shoulders to round forward and your head to move past your shoulders, causing that stiff and achy feeling in your head, neck and shoulders. Don't stress! There are ways to combat these affects and decrease the tension in your body.
OPTION #1: Change Your Body's Position.
By simply changing your body's position after a certain time you will decrease the likelihood of your body stiffening up and feeling "frozen" in that position. For example, if you are sitting at your desk for a few hours with your arms on the desk, try reaching one arm at a time down to the floor for a few minutes. This will get your shoulder out of that rounded forward position and a bit more open and allow more blood flow to your arm and fingers. Another great example is adjusting your posture. When sitting for an extended period of time your body forms the "tech position", with rounded shoulders and forward leaning head, placing strain on your joints. Every so often, check in with how you are sitting and feeling. Do you feel tension in your head and neck? Readjust and get your back to the back of your chair and sit up as straight as possible. Sitting more upright places your body in a more natural position with your head over your shoulders and your shoulders back. Try and hold this upright position for as long as you can, and over time your body will build stamina in this shape and begin to adopt this new position as your natural sitting position. Your head, neck and shoulders will thank you.
OPTION #2 Create a Daily Mobility Routine.
Incorporating more movement into your daily routine allows your body to "grease" your joints and lengthen your muscles, thus decreasing the likelihood of stiffness as well as improve blood flow. Here are a few examples to help ease the tension in your head, neck and shoulders.

-Sit upright with your fingertips on the back sides of your head.
-Without arching your low back, move your elbows behind you.
-When they stop, take 1-2 deep breaths in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth.
-Return to the starting position and repeat for 30 seconds.

-Place the top of your right hand behind you on your low back.
-Place the middle finger of your left hand just above your left ear.
-Without raising your right shoulder, gently pull your left ear down towards your left shoulder with your left hand.
-Hold for 1-2 deep breaths in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth.
-Return to the starting position and repeat for 30 seconds.
-Repeat the sequence on the other side.
When creating a mobility routine, start small, about 5-10 minutes and use it when you are experiencing most of your tension throughout your day. Create your routine using movements that alleviate your specific areas of tension. Not sure where to start? For movements to incorporate into your daily mobility routine check out my new e-book 10-Minute Seated Mobility. You can purchase it on our website choosetoliveengaged.com under Digital Products or simply click this link https://www.powr.io/checkout_screen?unique_label=c76c7d46_1706046021.
OPTION #3 Staying Hydrated.
Not remaining properly hydrated doesn't enable your body to function and move as it was intended. Specifically your muscle and joints. Think of water like your body's lubricant, if your body is lacking that lubricant your joints and muscles cannot move and glide smoothly as they were intended. You may also experience headaches due to dehydration.

Everyone's hydration requirements are different. They are based on age, activity level, muscle mass etc. The easiest way for you to make sure you are properly hydrated is to keep water close to you as often as you can. This plays into the "out of sight, out of mind" idea. If you see it, you're more likely to stay hydrated throughout the day. Yes, you may have to take a few more trips to the bathroom, but this will help you break the cycle of sitting and add a little bit of movement to your day.
Whatever your approach to helping ease your head, neck and shoulder stiffness, find one that you can do consistently and set yourself up for success.